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Folder Watchdog Service Quick Start Guide

Upon the installation there will be 'Folder Watchdog Service' folder created under 'Start'->'Programs'. If you plan to monitor network folder please make sure that the account the service runs under has all required rights to access that folder. It can be done at the installation stage or in Start->Settings->Control Panel->Administrative Tools->Services applet. Before starting the service you have to configure it via Configurator.

There are two types of parameters in Configurator. One are parameters common to all watched folders (located in Common parameters group), and other are parameters specific to each watched folder (Folders to be watched group).

Common Properties

Buttons 'Add' and 'Removed' may be used to add/remove watched folder to/from the list. To view or change parameters of a watched folder, select it in the left-hand list and fill in property page.

Folder Properties

Or you may find it easier to use Add/Edit Folder wizard.


After configuring is completed you can start the service and begin to receive notifications.

Configurator also provides a way to control service's execution. Buttons in the bottom-left corner is used to start and stop service

Start Button  Stop Button

Start Button

Stop Button